Sci-Fi GPT

Aarya Venkat
3 min readOct 11, 2023


I got really bored and I decided to ask ChatGPT to write the first page of a story I quickly penned. Below is the prompt and the story.


Write the first page to a science fiction novel set in 2273, where Humanity finally makes first contact, but not with aliens, but time traveling versions of themselves from a distant future, Relatives, so to speak, named after the theory of relativity, for they entered our galaxy in a one-way trip through the milky way’s supermassive blackhole. They set up the Space Transport Authority Relays (S.T.A.R.s), allowing humans to navigate space faster-than-light. STARs are coded by color, Red, Yellow, Blue, etc, based on factors like exploration, danger, and habitability. STAR-yellow was the first naturally. Relatives gave humans technology beyond anything they could have achieved in the next thousand years, but the question is, why are they here?


The year was 2273, and humanity had its eyes fixed on the vast expanse of the cosmos, fervently searching for signs of life beyond Earth. What they found, however, was not quite the extraterrestrial signal they had expected. They discovered, instead, themselves.

The arrival of the Relatives was both awe-inspiring and unsettling. These beings were humans, unmistakably so, but their features were subtly shifted, as if molded by the sands of time itself. They hailed from an epoch so distant that it boggled the minds of the greatest temporal theorists. Yet, despite the eons that separated them, they were kin.

These envoys of the future had journeyed to our present through what they termed the “Einstein-Rosen Bridge” — a vortex created by the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole. This passage had allowed them a one-way trip, the most audacious act of time travel known to man. Why they took it remained the most significant question.

“We’ve established the Space Transport Authority Relays,” their leader, a tall woman with shimmering eyes named Eris, announced at the global summit. “The S.T.A.R.s, as you may call them, are gateways. They’ll let you traverse space at speeds that defy your current comprehension.”

The world watched in real-time, as Eris demonstrated the activation of STAR-yellow. A massive portal of brilliant yellow hues opened up against the void of space, like an aurora’s luminous dance. She explained its significance: “Yellow is the path of exploration, the safest, and most harmonious route for your early endeavors.”

The Relatives bestowed upon humanity technologies that defied imagination. Fusion reactors that could power entire cities with minimal resources, medical advancements that could cure diseases once thought incurable, and AI systems integrated with the very fabric of human thought.

Yet, as months turned to years, the true intentions of the Relatives remained shrouded in mystery. Conspiracy theories abounded. Were they guardians, guiding humanity towards a utopian future? Were they refugees, seeking asylum from some catastrophic event in their time? Or did they have a more sinister goal?

The different colored STARs emerged across space like a cosmic roadmap. Each color signified a new aspect of space, a different level of challenge, danger, or opportunity. Red was known to be perilous, while blue hinted at paradises yet unseen.

Amidst the marvel and chaos, Dr. Ava Carter, Earth’s leading temporal theorist, couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that humanity was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle. As she gazed at the newly formed STAR-red portal from her observatory, she whispered to herself, “Why are they truly here?”

And so began humanity’s greatest adventure — not just in space, but in time itself. The quest for answers would take them through the S.T.A.R.s and into the very heart of existence.



Aarya Venkat

I am a Biochemistry PhD student who studies Biophysics and Computational Biology. Sometimes I write articles when I’m angry, like Prof Hulk.